Thursday, February 7, 2013

Win Free Child Care!

Since last week we've added two new friends (one of which was short term. We'll miss you buddy!) and are in talks with three more families.
We're growing so quickly and have had so much interest that I've expanded my hours of operation and am in the process of hiring some help.
It's an exciting time for our family. We're still getting to know our new friends, how to manage our time and budget effectively, and how to find balance between work, friends, school(s) and family.
I believe that I have the budget well in hand. The time and balance are a work in progress, however.
Some things that I've learned during this process are that babies love beets, jumping is life, hugs and hot chocolate make just about everything better, cool parents who care make the best clients, and when you provide a quality service, you get referred.
"If you build it, they will come."
Sorry. I couldn't help it. I am so excited!
Over the next few months we will be moving into a bigger place, getting licensed and hopefully getting our name out into the community and becoming known as a trusted child care provider.
I have lots of big plans and to begin I have a task for you:
Create a name and logo for our center. The person with the winning name and design will win a week of free childcare (pending registration) and my heartfelt gratitude.  In lieu of that, there will be an alternate prize of equal value (worth up to $125).
Let the games begin!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend with the ones you love,